var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); function Browseris () { var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); this.osver=1.0; if (agt) { var stOSVer=agt.substring(agt.indexOf("windows ")+11); this.osver=parseFloat(stOSVer); } this.major=parseInt(navigator.appVersion); this.nav=((agt.indexOf('mozilla')!=-1)&&((agt.indexOf('spoofer')==-1) && (agt.indexOf('compatible')==-1))); this.nav6=this.nav && (this.major==5); this.nav6up=this.nav && (this.major >=5); this.nav7up=false; if (this.nav6up) { var navIdx=agt.indexOf("netscape/"); if (navIdx >=0 ) this.nav7up=parseInt(agt.substring(navIdx+9)) >=7; }"msie")!=-1); && agt.indexOf(" aol ")!=-1; if ( { var stIEVer=agt.substring(agt.indexOf("msie ")+5); this.iever=parseInt(stIEVer); this.verIEFull=parseFloat(stIEVer); } else this.iever=0; && (this.major >=4); && (this.iever >=5); && (this.verIEFull >=5.5); && (this.iever >=6); this.winnt=((agt.indexOf("winnt")!=-1)||(agt.indexOf("windows nt")!=-1)); this.win32=((this.major >=4) && (navigator.platform=="Win32")) || (agt.indexOf("win32")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("32bit")!=-1); this.mac=(agt.indexOf("mac")!=-1); this.w3c=this.nav6up; this.safari=(agt.indexOf("safari")!=-1); this.safari125up=false; if (this.safari && this.major >=5) { var navIdx=agt.indexOf("safari/"); if (navIdx >=0) this.safari125up=parseInt(agt.substring(navIdx+7)) >=125; } } var browseris=new Browseris(); var bis=browseris; function byid(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function newE(tag) { return document.createElement(tag); } function wpf() { return document.forms[MSOWebPartPageFormName]; } function startReplacement() {} function GetEventSrcElement(e) { if (browseris.nav) return; else return e.srcElement; } function GetEventKeyCode(e) { if (browseris.nav) return e.which; else return e.keyCode; } function GetInnerText(e) { if (browseris.safari) return e.innerHTML; else if (browseris.nav) return e.textContent; else return e.innerText; } var UTF8_1ST_OF_2=0xc0 ; var UTF8_1ST_OF_3=0xe0 ; var UTF8_1ST_OF_4=0xf0 ; var UTF8_TRAIL=0x80 ; var HIGH_SURROGATE_BITS=0xD800 ; var LOW_SURROGATE_BITS=0xDC00 ; var SURROGATE_6_BIT=0xFC00 ; var SURROGATE_ID_BITS=0xF800 ; var SURROGATE_OFFSET=0x10000; function escapeProperlyCoreCore(str, bAsUrl, bForFilterQuery, bForCallback) { var strOut=""; var strByte=""; var ix=0; var strEscaped=" \"%<>\'&"; if (typeof(str)=="undefined") return ""; for (ix=0; ix < str.length; ix++) { var charCode=str.charCodeAt(ix); var curChar=str.charAt(ix); if(bAsUrl && (curChar=='#' || curChar=='?') ) { strOut+=str.substr(ix); break; } if (bForFilterQuery && curChar=='&') { strOut+=curChar; continue; } if (charCode <=0x7f) { if (bForCallback) { strOut+=curChar; } else { if ( (charCode >=97 && charCode <=122) || (charCode >=65 && charCode <=90) || (charCode >=48 && charCode <=57) || (bAsUrl && (charCode >=32 && charCode <=95) && strEscaped.indexOf(curChar) < 0)) { strOut+=curChar; } else if (charCode <=0x0f) { strOut+="%0"+charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase(); } else if (charCode <=0x7f) { strOut+="%"+charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase(); } } } else if (charCode <=0x07ff) { strByte=UTF8_1ST_OF_2 | (charCode >> 6); strOut+="%"+strByte.toString(16).toUpperCase() ; strByte=UTF8_TRAIL | (charCode & 0x003f); strOut+="%"+strByte.toString(16).toUpperCase(); } else if ((charCode & SURROGATE_6_BIT) !=HIGH_SURROGATE_BITS) { strByte=UTF8_1ST_OF_3 | (charCode >> 12); strOut+="%"+strByte.toString(16).toUpperCase(); strByte=UTF8_TRAIL | ((charCode & 0x0fc0) >> 6); strOut+="%"+strByte.toString(16).toUpperCase(); strByte=UTF8_TRAIL | (charCode & 0x003f); strOut+="%"+strByte.toString(16).toUpperCase(); } else if (ix < str.length - 1) { var charCode=(charCode & 0x03FF) << 10; ix++; var nextCharCode=str.charCodeAt(ix); charCode |=nextCharCode & 0x03FF; charCode+=SURROGATE_OFFSET; strByte=UTF8_1ST_OF_4 | (charCode >> 18); strOut+="%"+strByte.toString(16).toUpperCase(); strByte=UTF8_TRAIL | ((charCode & 0x3f000) >> 12); strOut+="%"+strByte.toString(16).toUpperCase(); strByte=UTF8_TRAIL | ((charCode & 0x0fc0) >> 6); strOut+="%"+strByte.toString(16).toUpperCase(); strByte=UTF8_TRAIL | (charCode & 0x003f); strOut+="%"+strByte.toString(16).toUpperCase(); } } return strOut; } function escapeProperly(str) { return escapeProperlyCoreCore(str, false, false, false); } function escapeProperlyCore(str, bAsUrl) { return escapeProperlyCoreCore(str, bAsUrl, false, false); } function escapeUrlForCallback(str) { var iPound=str.indexOf("#"); var iQues=str.indexOf("?"); if ((iPound > 0) && ((iQues==-1) || (iPound < iQues))) { var strNew=str.substr(0, iPound); if (iQues > 0) { strNew+=str.substr(iQues); } str=strNew; } return escapeProperlyCoreCore(str, true, false, true); } function PageUrlValidation(url) { if (url.substr(0, 4) !="http" && url.substr(0,1) !="/") { var L_InvalidPageUrl_Text="Invalid page URL: "; alert(L_InvalidPageUrl_Text); return ""; } else return url; } function DeferCall() { if (arguments.length==0) return null; var args=arguments; var fn=null; if (browseris.ie5up || browseris.nav6up) { eval("if (typeof("+args[0]+")=='function') { fn="+args[0]+"; }"); } if (fn==null) return null; if (args.length==1) return fn(); else if (args.length==2) return fn(args[1]); else if (args.length==3) return fn(args[1], args[2]); else if (args.length==4) return fn(args[1], args[2], args[3]); else if (args.length==5) return fn(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); else if (args.length==6) return fn(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]); else if (args.length==7) return fn(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6]); else if (args.length==8) return fn(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7]); else if (args.length==9) return fn(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8]); else if (args.length==10) return fn(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8], args[9]); else { var L_TooManyDefers_Text="Too many arguments passed to DeferCall"; alert(L_TooManyDefers_Text); } return null; } var L_ContainIllegalChar_Text="^1 contains illegal character \'^2\'."; var L_ContainIllegalString_Text="^1 contains illegal characters or substring."; var LegalUrlChars=new Array ( false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, false, false, true, false, false, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, false, true, false, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false ); function AdmBuildParam(stPattern) { var re; var i; for (i=1; i < AdmBuildParam.arguments.length; i++) { re=new RegExp("\\^"+i); stPattern=stPattern.replace(re, AdmBuildParam.arguments[i]); } return stPattern; } function IndexOfIllegalCharInUrlLeafName(strLeafName) { for(var i=0; i=0 || strPath.indexOf("//") >=0 || strPath.indexOf("./") >=0 || strPath.indexOf("/.") >=0 || strPath.indexOf(".")==0 || strPath.lastIndexOf(".")==(strPath.length-1) ) { return true; } return false; } function UrlLeafNameValidate(source, args) { var strMessagePrefix=""; if( typeof(source.MessagePrefix)=="string" ) { strMessagePrefix=source.MessagePrefix; } else {; } var i=IndexOfIllegalCharInUrlLeafName(args.Value); if( i >=0 ) { if(typeof(source.errormessage)=="string") { source.errormessage=AdmBuildParam(L_ContainIllegalChar_Text, strMessagePrefix, args.Value.charAt(i)); } args.IsValid=false; } else if( UrlContainsIllegalStrings(args.Value) ) { if(typeof(source.errormessage)=="string" ) { source.errormessage=AdmBuildParam(L_ContainIllegalString_Text, strMessagePrefix); } args.IsValid=false; } else { args.IsValid=true; } } function UrlPathValidate(source, args) { var strMessagePrefix=""; if( typeof(source.MessagePrefix)=="string" ) { strMessagePrefix=source.MessagePrefix; } else {; } var i=IndexOfIllegalCharInUrlPath(args.Value); if( i >=0) { if(typeof(source.errormessage)=="string") { source.errormessage=AdmBuildParam(L_ContainIllegalChar_Text, strMessagePrefix, args.Value.charAt(i)); } args.IsValid=false; } else if( UrlContainsIllegalStrings(args.Value) ) { if(typeof(source.errormessage)=="string" ) { source.errormessage=AdmBuildParam(L_ContainIllegalString_Text, strMessagePrefix); } args.IsValid=false; } else { args.IsValid=true; } } function IsCheckBoxListSelected(checkboxlist) { if(checkboxlist==null ) return false; var len=checkboxlist.length ; if (len==null) { return checkboxlist.checked; } else { for (var i=0; i < len ; i++) { if (checkboxlist[i].checked) { return true; } } } return false; } function STSValidatorEnable(val, bEnable, bSilent) { var objVal=document.getElementById(val); if (objVal==null) return; if (bSilent==true || (objVal.getAttribute("AlwaysEnableSilent")==true)) { objVal.enabled=(bEnable==true); } else { ValidatorEnable(objVal, bEnable); } } function encodeScriptQuote(str) { var strOut=""; var ix=0; for (ix=0; ix < str.length; ix++) { var ch=str.charAt(ix); if (ch=='\'') strOut+="%27"; else strOut+=ch; } return strOut; } function STSHtmlEncode(str) { var strOut=""; var ix=0; for (ix=0; ix < str.length; ix++) { var ch=str.charAt(ix); switch (ch) { case '<': strOut+="<"; break; case '>': strOut+=">"; break; case '&': strOut+="&"; break; case '\"': strOut+="""; break; case '\'': strOut+="'"; break; default: strOut+=ch; break; } } return strOut; } function StAttrQuote(st) { st=st.toString(); st=st.replace(/&/g, '&'); st=st.replace(/\"/g, '"'); // " st=st.replace(/\r/g, ' '); return '"'+st+'"'; } function STSScriptEncode(str) { var strOut=""; var ix=0; for (ix=0; ix < str.length; ix++) { var charCode=str.charCodeAt(ix); if (charCode > 0x0fff) { strOut+=("\\u"+charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase()); } else if (charCode > 0x00ff) { strOut+=("\\u0"+charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase()); } else if (charCode > 0x007f) { strOut+=("\\u00"+charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase()); } else { switch (str.charAt(ix)) { case '\n': strOut+="\\n"; break; case '\r': strOut+="\\r"; break; case '\"': strOut+="\\u0022"; break; case '%': strOut+="\\u0025"; break; case '&': strOut+="\\u0026"; break; case '\'': strOut+="\\u0027"; break; case '(': strOut+="\\u0028"; break; case ')': strOut+="\\u0029"; break; case '+': strOut+="\\u002b"; break; case '/': strOut+="\\u002f"; break; case '<': strOut+="\\u003c"; break; case '>': strOut+="\\u003e"; break; case '\\': strOut+="\\\\"; break; default: strOut+=str.charAt(ix); }; } } return strOut; } function STSScriptEncodeWithQuote(str) { return '"'+STSScriptEncode(str)+'"'; } var SPOnError_cachedOriginalOnError=window.onerror; var L_PleaseWaitForScripts_Text="Please wait while scripts are loaded..."; var g_pageLoadComplete=false; var previousRSChange=''; if (document.onreadystatechange !=null) { previousRSChange=document.onreadystatechange; } document.onreadystatechange=setLoadComplete; function setLoadComplete() { if(previousRSChange !=null && previousRSChange !='') { eval(previousRSChange); } if(document.readyState=='complete') { g_pageLoadComplete=true; window.status=""; window.onerror=SPOnError_cachedOriginalOnError; } } function SPOnError_handleErrors(msg,url,line) { var useErrorHandler=false; if(!g_pageLoadComplete && document.readyState !="complete") { useErrorHandler=true; } if(useErrorHandler) { try { window.status=L_PleaseWaitForScripts_Text; } catch(e) { } return true; } else { if(typeof(SPOnError_cachedOriginalOnError)=="function") { window.onerror=SPOnError_cachedOriginalOnError; return SPOnError_cachedOriginalOnError(msg,url,line); } else { window.onerror=null; return false; } } } window.onerror=SPOnError_handleErrors; var L_Language_Text="1033"; var L_ClickOnce1_text="You are already attempting to save this item. If you attempt to save this item again, you may create duplicate information. Would you like to save this item again?"; var L_STSRecycleConfirm_Text="Are you sure you want to send this item to the site Recycle Bin?"; var L_STSRecycleConfirm1_Text="Are you sure you want to send this folder and all its contents to the site Recycle Bin?"; var L_STSDelConfirm_Text="Are you sure you want to delete this item?"; var L_STSDelConfirm1_Text="Are you sure you want to delete this folder and all its contents?"; var L_NewDocLibTb1_Text="The document could not be created. \nThe required application may not be installed properly, or the template for this document library cannot be opened.\n\nPlease try the following:\n1. Check the General Settings for this document library for the name of the template, and install the application necessary for opening the template. If the application was set to install on first use, run the application and then try creating a new document again.\n\n2. If you have permission to modify this document library, go to General Settings for the library and configure a new template."; var L_NewDocLibTb2_Text="'New Document' requires a Windows SharePoint Services-compatible application and Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or greater. To add a document to this document library, click the 'Upload Document' button."; var L_NewFormLibTb1_Text="The document could not be created.\nThe required application may not be installed properly, or the template for this document library cannot be opened.\n\nPlease try the following:\n1. Check the General Settings for this document library for the name of the template, and install the application necessary for opening the template. If the application was set to install on first use, run the application and then try creating a new document again.\n\n2. If you have permission to modify this document library, go to General Settings for the library and configure a new template."; var L_NewFormLibTb2_Text="This feature requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later and a Windows SharePoint Services-compatible XML editor such as Microsoft Office InfoPath."; var L_ConfirmCheckout_Text="You must check out this item before making changes. Do you want to check out this item now?"; var L_CheckOutRetry_Text="Check out failed, do you want to retry to check out from server?"; var L_CannotEditPropertyForLocalCopy_Text="You cannot edit the properties of a document while it is checked out and being modified offline."; var L_CannotEditPropertyCheckout_Text="You cannot edit the properties of this document while it is checked out or locked for editing by another user."; var L_NewFormClickOnce1_Text="New Folder"; var L_EnterValidCopyDest_Text="Please enter a valid folder URL and a file name. Folder URLs must begin with 'http:' or 'https:'."; var L_ConfirmUnlinkCopy_Text="Because this item is a copy, it may still be receiving updates from its source. You should make sure that this item is removed from the source's list of items to update, otherwise this item may continue to receive updates. Are you sure that you want to unlink this item?"; var L_CopyingOfflineVersionWarning_Text="You currently have this document checked out locally. Only versions stored on the server can be copied. To copy the most recent minor version, click OK. To copy the currently checked out version, click Cancel, check in the document and then retry the copy operation."; var L_Loading_Text="Loading..."; var L_Loading_Error_Text="An error has occurred with the data fetch. Please refresh the page and retry."; var L_WarnkOnce_text="This item contains a custom recurrence pattern. If you save your changes you will not be able to revert to the previous pattern."; var L_WebFoldersRequired_Text="Please wait while Explorer View is loaded. If Explorer View does not appear, your browser may not support it."; var L_WebFoldersError_Text="Your client does not support opening this list with Windows Explorer."; var L_AccessibleMenu_Text="Menu"; var L_NewBlogPost_Text="This feature requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later and a Windows SharePoint Services-compatible blog editor such as Microsoft Office Word 2007 or later."; var L_NewBlogPostFailed_Text="Unable to connect to the blog program because it may be busy or missing. Check the program, and then try again."; var recycleBinEnabled=0; var bIsFileDialogView=false; var g_ViewIdToViewCounterMap=new Array(); function UpdateAccessibilityUI() { var t1=document.getElementById("TurnOnAccessibility"); var t2=document.getElementById("TurnOffAccessibility"); if (IsAccessibilityFeatureEnabled()) { if (t1 !=null)"none"; if (t2 !=null)""; } else { if (t1 !=null)""; if (t2 !=null)"none"; } } function SetIsAccessibilityFeatureEnabled(f) { if (f) document.cookie="WSS_AccessibilityFeature=true;path=;"; else document.cookie="WSS_AccessibilityFeature=false;path=;"; } function DeleteCookie(sName) { document.cookie=sName+"=; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT"; } function GetCookie(sName) { var aCookie=document.cookie.split("; "); for (var i=0; i < aCookie.length; i++) { var aCrumb=aCookie[i].split("="); if (sName==aCrumb[0]) { if(aCrumb.length > 1) return unescapeProperly(aCrumb[1]); else return null; } } return null; } function IsAccessibilityFeatureEnabled() { return GetCookie("WSS_AccessibilityFeature")=="true"; } function escapeForSync(str) { var strOut=""; var ix=0; var bDoingUnicode=0; var strSyncEscaped="\\&|[]"; for (ix=0; ix < str.length; ix++) { var charCode=str.charCodeAt(ix); var curChar=str.charAt(ix); if (bDoingUnicode && charCode <=0x7f) { strOut+="]"; bDoingUnicode=0; } if (!bDoingUnicode && charCode > 0x7f) { strOut+="["; bDoingUnicode=1; } if(strSyncEscaped.indexOf(curChar) >=0) strOut+="|"; if ( (charCode >=97 && charCode <=122) || (charCode >=65 && charCode <=90) || (charCode >=48 && charCode <=57) ) { strOut+=curChar; } else if (charCode <=0x0f) { strOut+="%0"+charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase(); } else if (charCode <=0x7f) { strOut+="%"+charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase(); } else if (charCode <=0x00ff) { strOut+="00"+charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase(); } else if (charCode <=0x0fff) { strOut+="0"+charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase(); } else { strOut+=charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase(); } } if (bDoingUnicode) strOut+="]"; return strOut; } var g_rgdwchMinEncoded=new Array([ 0x00000000, 0x00000080, 0x00000800, 0x00010000, 0x00200000, 0x04000000, 0x80000000 ]); function Vutf8ToUnicode(rgBytes) { var ix=0; var strResult=""; var dwch, wch, uch; var nTrailBytes, nTrailBytesOrig; while (ix < rgBytes.length) { if (rgBytes[ix] <=0x007f) { strResult+=String.fromCharCode(rgBytes[ix++]); } else { uch=rgBytes[ix++]; nTrailBytes=((uch) & 0x20) ? (((uch) & 0x10) ? 3 : 2) : 1; dwch=uch & (0xff >>> (2+nTrailBytes)); while (nTrailBytes && (ix < rgBytes.length)) { --nTrailBytes; uch=rgBytes[ix++]; if (uch==0) { return strResult; } if ((uch & 0xC0) !=0x80) { strResult+='?'; break; } dwch=(dwch << 6) | ((uch) & 0x003f); } if (nTrailBytes) { strResult+='?'; break; } if (dwch < g_rgdwchMinEncoded[nTrailBytesOrig]) { strResult+='?'; break; } else if (dwch <=0xffff) { strResult+=String.fromCharCode(dwch); } else if (dwch <=0x10ffff) { dwch -=SURROGATE_OFFSET; strResult+=String.fromCharCode( HIGH_SURROGATE_BITS | dwch >>> 10); strResult+=String.fromCharCode( LOW_SURROGATE_BITS | ((dwch) & 0x003FF)); } else { strResult+='?'; } } } return strResult; } function unescapeProperlyInternal(str) { if (str==null) return "null"; var ix=0, ixEntity=0; var strResult=""; var rgUTF8Bytes=new Array; var ixUTF8Bytes=0; var hexString, hexCode; while (ix < str.length) { if (str.charAt(ix)=='%') { if (str.charAt(++ix)=='u') { hexString=""; for (ixEntity=0; ixEntity < 4 && ix < str.length;++ixEntity) { hexString+=str.charAt(++ix); } while (hexString.length < 4) { hexString+='0'; } hexCode=parseInt(hexString, 16); if (isNaN(hexCode)) { strResult+='?'; } else { strResult+=String.fromCharCode(hexCode); } } else { hexString=""; for (ixEntity=0; ixEntity < 2 && ix < str.length;++ixEntity) { hexString+=str.charAt(ix++); } while (hexString.length < 2) { hexString+='0'; } hexCode=parseInt(hexString, 16); if (isNaN(hexCode)) { if (ixUTF8Bytes) { strResult+=Vutf8ToUnicode(rgUTF8Bytes); ixUTF8Bytes=0; rgUTF8Bytes.length=ixUTF8Bytes; } strResult+='?'; } else { rgUTF8Bytes[ixUTF8Bytes++]=hexCode; } } } else { if (ixUTF8Bytes) { strResult+=Vutf8ToUnicode(rgUTF8Bytes); ixUTF8Bytes=0; rgUTF8Bytes.length=ixUTF8Bytes; } strResult+=str.charAt(ix++); } } if (ixUTF8Bytes) { strResult+=Vutf8ToUnicode(rgUTF8Bytes); ixUTF8Bytes=0; rgUTF8Bytes.length=ixUTF8Bytes; } return strResult; } function unescapeProperly(str) { var strResult=null; if ((browseris.ie55up || browseris.nav6up) && (typeof(decodeURIComponent) !="undefined")) { strResult=decodeURIComponent(str); } else { strResult=unescapeProperlyInternal(str); } return strResult; } function navigateMailToLink(strUrl) { var strEncoded=""; for (ix=0; ix < strUrl.length; ix++) { var curChar=strUrl.charAt(ix); var strHexCode; var strHexCodeL; if (curChar=='%') { strHexCode=strUrl.charAt(ix+1); strHexCode+=strUrl.charAt(ix+2); strHexCodeL=strHexCode.toLowerCase(); if (strHexCodeL=="3a" || strHexCodeL=="2f" || strHexCodeL=="2e" || strHexCodeL=="2d" || strHexCodeL=="3d") { strEncoded+=curChar; } else { strEncoded+=curChar; strEncoded+="25"; } } else { strEncoded+=curChar; } } window.location=strEncoded; } function newBlogPostOnClient(strProviderId, strBlogUrl, strBlogName) { var stsOpen; var fRet; stsOpen=StsOpenEnsureEx("SharePoint.OpenDocuments.3"); if (stsOpen==null) { alert(L_NewBlogPost_Text); return; } try { fRet=stsOpen.NewBlogPost(strProviderId, strBlogUrl, strBlogName); } catch (e) { alert(L_NewBlogPostFailed_Text); } } function GetUrlFromWebUrlAndWebRelativeUrl(webUrl, webRelativeUrl) { var retUrl=(webUrl==null || webUrl.length <=0) ? 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Shorten the title and try again."; if (link.length > maxLinkLength) alert(L_StssyncTooLong_Text); else { try { window.location.href=link; } catch (e) { } } } function GetDiagramLaunchInstalled() { var objDiagramLaunch; var bFlag=false; try { objDiagramLaunch=new ActiveXObject("DiagramLaunch.DiagramLauncher"); var strAppName; strAppName=objDiagramLaunch.EnsureDiagramApplication(); } catch (e) { objDiagramLaunch=null; } return strAppName; } var fSSImporter=false; var SSImporterObj; function EnsureSSImporter() { if (!fSSImporter) { if (browseris.ie5up && browseris.win32) { var functionBody= "try" +"{" +" SSImporterObj=new ActiveXObject(\"SharePoint.SpreadsheetLauncher.2\");" +" if (SSImporterObj)" +" fSSImporter=true;" +"} catch (e)" +"{" +"try" +"{" +" SSImporterObj=new ActiveXObject(\"SharePoint.SpreadsheetLauncher.1\");" +" if (SSImporterObj)" +" fSSImporter=true;" +"} catch (e)" +"{" +" fSSImporter=false;" +"};" +"};"; var EnsureSSImportInner=new Function(functionBody); EnsureSSImportInner(); } } return fSSImporter; } function ShowHideSection(sectionid, imgid) { var group=document.getElementById(sectionid); var img=document.getElementById(imgid); if ((group==null)) return; if ( !="none") {"none"; img.src="/_layouts/images/plus.gif"; } else {""; img.src="/_layouts/images/minus.gif"; } } function ShowSection(sectionid, imgid) { var group=document.getElementById(sectionid); var img=document.getElementById(imgid); if ((group==null)) return; if ("none") {""; img.src="/_layouts/images/minus.gif"; } } function ShowHideInputFormSection(sectionid, bShow) { var e=document.getElementById(sectionid); if (e !=null) ? 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"&" : "?"; url+=ch+"Source="+escapeProperly(window.location.href); STSNavigate(url); } } function isPortalTemplatePage(Url) { if (GetUrlKeyValue("PortalTemplate")=="1" || GetUrlKeyValue("PortalTemplate", Url)=="1" || (currentCtx !=null && currentCtx.isPortalTemplate)) return true; else return false; } function STSNavigate(Url) { if (isPortalTemplatePage(Url)); else window.location=STSPageUrlValidation(Url); } function GoToPage(url) { var ch=url.indexOf("?") >=0 ? "&" : "?"; var srcUrl=GetSource(); if (srcUrl !=null && srcUrl !="") url+=ch+"Source="+srcUrl; STSNavigate(url); } function TrimSpaces( str ) { var start; var end; str=str.toString(); var len=str.length; for (start=0; start < len; start++) { if (str.charAt(start) !=' ') break; } if (start==len) return ""; for (end=len - 1; end > start; end --) { if (str.charAt(end) !=' ') break; } end++; return str.substring(start, end); } function TrimWhiteSpaces( str ) { var start; var end; str=str.toString(); var len=str.length; for (start=0; start < len; start++) { ch=str.charAt(start); if (ch!=' ' && ch!='\t' && ch!='\n' && ch!='\r' && ch!='\f') break; } if (start==len) return ""; for (end=len - 1; end > start; end --) { ch=str.charAt(end); if (ch!=' ' && ch!='\t' && ch!='\n' && ch!='\r' && ch!='\f') break; } end++; return str.substring(start, end); } function GetAttributeFromItemTable(itemTable, strAttributeName, strAttributeOldName) { var attrValue=itemTable !=null ? itemTable.getAttribute(strAttributeName) : null; if (attrValue==null && itemTable !=null && strAttributeOldName!=null) attrValue=itemTable.getAttribute(strAttributeOldName); return attrValue; } function GetDiagramLaunchInstalled() { var objDiagramLaunch; var bFlag=false; try { objDiagramLaunch=new ActiveXObject("DiagramLaunch.DiagramLauncher"); var strAppName; strAppName=objDiagramLaunch.EnsureDiagramApplication(); } catch (e) { objDiagramLaunch=null; } return strAppName; } function ShowMtgNavigatorPane() { document.getElementById("MeetingNavigatorPane").style.display="block"; } function HideMtgNavigatorPane() { document.getElementById("MeetingNavigatorPane").style.display="none"; } function GetMultipleUploadEnabled() { try { if (browseris.ie5up && !browseris.mac && (new ActiveXObject('STSUpld.UploadCtl'))) return true; } catch(e) { } return false; } function SetUploadPageTitle() { if (GetUrlKeyValue("Type")==1) { document.title=L_NewFormClickOnce1_Text; if ( || browseris.nav6up) { var titleElt=document.getElementById("onetidTextTitle"); if (titleElt !=null) titleElt.innerHTML=L_NewFormClickOnce1_Text; } } } function GetSelectedValue (frmElem) { if (frmElem && (frmElem.selectedIndex >-1)) { return frmElem.options[frmElem.selectedIndex].value } else return ""; } function GetSelectedText(frmElem) { if (frmElem && (frmElem.selectedIndex >-1)) { return frmElem.options[frmElem.selectedIndex].text } else return ""; } function MtgShowTimeZone() { if (GetCookie("MtgTimeZone")=="1") { MtgToggleTimeZone(); } } function FormatDate(sDate, sTime, eDate, eTime) { var L_Date_Text="Date:"; var L_Time_Text="Time:"; var L_DateSeparator=" - "; if(browseris.win32 && sDate==eDate) L_DateSeparator=" -\u200e "; if (sDate==eDate) { document.write(L_Date_Text+" "+sDate); if (sTime !=eTime) document.write(" "+L_Time_Text+" "+sTime+L_DateSeparator+eTime); else document.write(" "+L_Time_Text+" "+sTime); } else { document.write(L_Date_Text+" "+sDate+" ("+sTime+")"+L_DateSeparator+eDate+" ("+eTime+")"); } } function GetAlertText(isDetached) { var L_DETACHEDSINGLEEXCEPT_Text="This meeting date is no longer associated with a meeting in your calendar and scheduling program. Either this meeting date was canceled, or the link to the workspace was removed from the scheduled meeting."; var L_DETACHEDCANCELLEDEXCEPT_Text="This meeting date was canceled from your calendar and scheduling program. To specify what you want to do with the associated information in the workspace, do the following: In the Meeting Series pane, point to the meeting date, and in the drop-down list, click Keep, Delete, or Move."; var L_DETACHEDUNLINKEDSINGLE_Text="This meeting date is no longer linked to the associated meeting in your calendar and scheduling program. To specify what you want to do with the information in the workspace, do the following: In the Meeting Series pane, point to the meeting date, and in the drop-down list, click Keep, Delete, or Move."; var L_DETACHEDCANCELLEDSERIES_Text="This meeting series was canceled from your calendar and scheduling program."; var L_DETACHEDUNLINKEDSERIES_Text="This meeting series is no longer linked to the associated meeting series in your calendar and scheduling program. You can keep or delete the workspace. If you keep the workspace, you will not be able to link it to another scheduled meeting."; var L_DETACHEDSERIESNOWSINGLE_Text="This meeting was changed in your calendar and scheduling program from a recurring meeting to a nonrecurring meeting. You can keep or delete the workspace. If you keep the workspace, you will not be able to link it to another scheduled meeting."; var L_DETACHEDSINGLENOWSERIES_Text="This meeting was changed in your calendar and scheduling program from a nonrecurring meeting to a recurring meeting. The current workspace does not support a recurring meeting. In your scheduling program, unlink the meeting from the workspace, and then link the meeting again to a new workspace. The new workspace will automatically support a recurring meeting."; var L_DETACHEDNONGREGORIANCAL_Text="This meeting was created using a calendar and scheduling program that only supports series updates to the Meeting Workspace. Changes you make to individual occurrences of meetings in that program will not appear in the workspace."; var L_DETACHEDPASTEXCPMODIFIED_Text="This past meeting was modified or canceled from your calendar and scheduling program. To keep, delete or move this meeting in the workspace, use the drop-down menu next to its date in the Meeting Series pane. To update the scheduling information for this meeting in the workspace, use your scheduling program to update this specific meeting occurrence."; var howOrphaned=isDetached & (0x10 - 1); var howDetached=isDetached - howOrphaned; if (howOrphaned) { switch (howOrphaned) { case 1: return (g_meetingCount==1) ? L_DETACHEDSINGLEEXCEPT_Text : L_DETACHEDCANCELLEDEXCEPT_Text; case 2: return L_DETACHEDCANCELLEDSERIES_Text; case 3: return L_DETACHEDCANCELLEDEXCEPT_Text; case 4: return (g_meetingCount==1) ? L_DETACHEDSINGLEEXCEPT_Text : L_DETACHEDUNLINKEDSINGLE_Text; case 5: return L_DETACHEDUNLINKEDSERIES_Text; case 6: return L_DETACHEDSERIESNOWSINGLE_Text; case 7: return L_DETACHEDSINGLENOWSERIES_Text; case 8: return L_DETACHEDPASTEXCPMODIFIED_Text; } } else if (howDetached) { switch (howDetached) { case 16: return L_DETACHEDNONGREGORIANCAL_Text; } } return null; } function retrieveCurrentThemeLink() { var cssLink; var links=document.getElementsByTagName("link"); for(var i=0; i -1) { var key=pairs[i].substring(0,p); var value=pairs[i].substring(p+1); JSRequest.QueryString[key]=value; } } var path=JSRequest.PathName=window.location.pathname; var p=path.lastIndexOf("/"); if (p > -1) { JSRequest.FileName=path.substring(p+1); } else { JSRequest.PageName=path; } } }; var ExpGroupWPListName="WSS_ExpGroupWPList"; var ExpGroupCookiePrefix="WSS_ExpGroup_"; var ExpGroupCookieDelimiter="&"; var ExpGroupMaxWP=11; var ExpGroupMaxCookieLength=3960; var g_ExpGroupQueue=new Array(); var g_ExpGroupInProgress=false; var g_ExpGroupTable=new Array(); var g_ExpGroupNeedsState=false; var g_ExpGroupParseStage=false; function ExpCollGroup(groupName, imgName) { if (document.getElementById("titl"+groupName)==null) return; viewTable=document.getElementById("titl"+groupName).parentNode; if (viewTable==null) return; tbodyTags=viewTable.getElementsByTagName("TBODY"); numElts=tbodyTags.length; len=groupName.length; img=document.getElementById(imgName); if (img==null) return; srcPath=img.src; index=srcPath.lastIndexOf("/"); imgName=srcPath.slice(index+1); var fOpen=false; if (imgName=='plus.gif') { fOpen=true; displayStr=""; img.src='/_layouts/images/minus.gif'; } else { fOpen=false; displayStr="none"; img.src='/_layouts/images/plus.gif'; } for (var i=0;i len+4) && (,len)) ) { if (fOpen) {"_", len+4); if (index!=-1) {"_", index+1); if (index!=-1) continue; } }; if (fOpen &&,4)=="titl") { imgObj=document.getElementById("img_"; imgObj.src='/_layouts/images/plus.gif'; } } } if (!g_ExpGroupParseStage) { if (g_ExpGroupNeedsState && ExpGroupFetchWebPartID(groupName) !=null) { if (fOpen) { AddGroupToCookie(groupName); } else { RemoveGroupFromCookie(groupName); } } if (fOpen) { tbody=document.getElementById("tbod"+groupName+"_"); if (tbody !=null) { isLoaded=tbody.getAttribute("isLoaded"); if (isLoaded=="false") { ExpGroupFetchData(groupName); } } } } } function ExpGroupFetchData(groupName) { var loadString=""+L_Loading_Text+""; ExpGroupRenderData(loadString, groupName, "false"); if (!g_ExpGroupInProgress) { var groupString=ExpGroupFetchGroupString(groupName); if (groupString==null) { var loadString=""+L_Loading_Error_Text+""; ExpGroupRenderData(loadString, groupName, "false"); if (g_ExpGroupQueue.length > 0) { ExpGroupFetchData(g_ExpGroupQueue.shift()); } return; } g_ExpGroupInProgress=true; if (!ExpGroupCallServer(groupString, groupName)) { if (g_ExpGroupQueue.length > 0) { ExpGroupFetchData(g_ExpGroupQueue.shift()); } } } else { g_ExpGroupQueue.push(groupName); } } function ExpGroupCallServer(groupString, groupName) { var webPartID=ExpGroupFetchWebPartID(groupName); if (webPartID !=null) { var functionName="ExpGroupCallServer"+webPartID; var functionCall=functionName+"('"+groupString+"','"+groupName+"')"; eval(functionCall); } } function ExpGroupReceiveData(htmlToRender, groupName) { var ctxId="ctx"+groupName.substring(0, groupName.indexOf("-")); var indexBeginCTXName=htmlToRender.indexOf("CTXName=\""); if (indexBeginCTXName !=-1) { if (ctxId !="ctx1") { htmlToRender=htmlToRender.replace(/ CTXName=\"ctx1\" /g, " CTXName=\""+ctxId+"\" "); } } var needOuterWrap=false; if (htmlToRender.length < 4) { needOuterWrap=true; } else if (htmlToRender.substring(0,3) !=""; } ExpGroupRenderData(htmlToRender, groupName, "true"); g_ExpGroupInProgress=false; if (g_ExpGroupQueue.length > 0) { ExpGroupFetchData(g_ExpGroupQueue.shift()); } } function ExpGroupRenderData(htmlToRender, groupName, isLoaded) { var tbody=document.getElementById("tbod"+groupName+"_"); var wrapDiv=document.createElement("DIV"); wrapDiv.innerHTML=""+htmlToRender+"
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